Eastern Africa

Hibaa-Haibado Ismael Houssein, is a Djiboutian Diplomat currently deployed in Kenya, as a Third counsellor in charge of Multilateral Affairs and Deputy Permanent Representative of UNEP and UN-Habitat. She is responsible in following issues related to AMISOM and its logistical support for Djiboutian troops deployed under that umbrella, through the UNSOS (UN Support Office for Somalia) office. She is also a member of the FemWise network since 2018. She has an extensive knowledge on the Horn of Africa region and its political dynamics.
She is a graduate of the Institute of Peace and Security Studies of the Addis Ababa University, where she earned an Executive Master in Peace and Security, prior to that she has graduated from the Help University College in Malaysia in Business Administration.
Having embraced the business environment through various experience in a consultancy company and English teaching school, where she was in charge of marketing, she has shifted to diplomacy, a field that she was passionate about where she got the opportunity to defend the interests of her country and the African continent.