Prof. Nawal Khidir Nasr Al-Amin (Ph.D), Sudan – Mediator, Peace Educator

Is a widely published and Professor, College of Forestry and Range Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan. Some of Her books and journals include;

  • Al-amin N.K. N. and El-magzob, A.A. 2011. Constraints of tree establishment and their role in rehabilitating degraded dry land in Sudan. Pp. 45-53 In: Montagnini, F., Francesconi, W. and Rossi, E. (eds.). Agroforestry as a tool for landscape restoration. Nova Science Publishers, New York. 201

  • Al-Amin, N. K. N. Stigter, C.J. Mohammed, A.E. 2010. Design of sand settlement of windblown sand using local trees and grasses (Sudan). In: Kees Stigter (ed.). Applied Agrometeorology. Springer.
  • Al-Amin N.K. Nasr and Stigter C.J. and Mohammed, A.E. 2010 Wind reduction pattern around isolated biomass for wind- erosion control in desertified area of central Sudan.

  • Research, Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2(4) 226-234, Maxwell publisher.

  • Alamin, N.K.N. (2010). Semi-arid Vegetation Pattern, Stability and Suitability to Suppress Sand Movement in Central Sudan. Accepted research paper, Asian Journal of agricultural Sciences

  • Alamin, N.K.N. (2010) Drifting Sand Endangering Gezira Irrigation Scheme in Central Sudan, History and Impact, accepted. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, USA.

  • Al-Amin N.K.N. 2009. Effect of Irrigation on Salt Distribution Profile at Umjawasir Farm in the Northern State, Sudan. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, University of Khartoum 17(2), 212-227.

  • Al-Amin N.K.N., Stigter C.J. and Mohammed, A.E. 2006. Establishment of Trees for Sand Settlement in a Completely Desertified Environment. Journal of Arid Land Research and Management, 20 (4), 309 – 327. Has been cited

  • Al-Amin N. K. N. and Stigter C.J. 2005. Desertification between two mightiest rivers, the Blue Nile and White Nile. In: El-Beltagy A. and Saxena, M.C. (eds.). Sustainable development and management of drylands in the twenty-first century. Proceedings of the seventh international conference on the development of drylands. 14-17 September, 2003, Tehran, Iran. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. pp. 131-137. Stigter, C.J., Josiah, K., Yingcui, Z . Tunji ,K.O.Dawei, Z., Al-amin, N. K. N., and Abdalla, A.E.2005. Agro meteorological Services and Information for Decision Making: Some Examples from Africa and China. Journal of Agrictural Meteorology. Japan 60 (5): 327330.

Samia El Hashmi, Sudan – Mediator, Peace Lawyer
September 15, 2019
Safaa Elagib Adam, Sudan – Mediator, Community Mobilizer
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