Halima has a Diploma in Agriculture Home Economics in Kenya, bachelor’s in human Ecology from Canada and Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies. Halima has worked as a Development, Humanitarian, Peace Practitioner and Social Trauma Healing for over 30 years with the Kenya Government, UN and other International Agencies. She was an advisor in the Regional on pastoralist for Oxfam GB and Strategic Adviser for USAID funded Transitional Initiatives for Stabilization (TIS). Halima is currently a Director of CamelBell Limited – a consultancy firm carrying out various assignments in the continent and beyond. Halima is member of a Global Network for Peace and Transformation, ACTION; member of the Action Support Center & African Insider Mediators Forum based in South Africa; She is also a member of Center for Peace and Conflict Studies in Cambodia; Wajir Peace University Trust in Kenya and Horn of Africa Development Initiative (HODI) in Kenya. Halima is a trainer with Local Capacities for Peace (Do No Harm – conflict sensitive programing tool and Reflecting on Peace Practice). She is a master trainer in Trauma Healing and Social Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation and Peace Building. Halima is a co author of a book on pastoralism “Perspectives on Pastoral Development: A Casebook from Kenya, 2001, Oxfam GB”.

Ms. Florence N. Mpaayei, Kenya – Mediator
October 8, 2019