Huda Shafig is a gender advisor for UN Environment. She previously worked at the Institute for Inclusive Security, Washington DC tracking reviews, summarizing research, reports, and policy for the Syria and South Sudan/Sudan teams. She also provided monitoring and evaluation and administrative support for both teams. Previously, Ms. Shafig worked for seven years with local and international NGOs on human and women’s rights and peacebuilding, developing her skills in advocacy, community facilitation, and program management. Ms. Shafig is a member of the Taskforce for the Engagement of Women, a group of peacebuilders from Sudan and South Sudan advancing women’s inclusion in peace processes in and between both countries. She is also a former advocate at the Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia University. Ms. Shafig received her BA in political science and strategic studies from Elzaiem Elazhary University and her MA in coexistence and conflict at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University.

Pauline Akello Onunga Adero, Kenya, Mediator, Peace Lawyer
November 4, 2019